Alfa Art does not cater food but we can put you in touch with local caterers that we have had good experience with in the past.
Alfa Art Gallery is available for rentals 8am-9pm Tuesday through Saturday (exceptions will be considered). Alfa Art Gallery is approximately 1,000 square feet and the allowed amount of persons attending event cannot exceed 45. Alfa Art Gallery is only responsible for preparing the rental of its space and kitchen area. All art exhibitions will be left intact for the event.
Payment is due one week before the event. Checks should be made out to Alfa Art Gallery.
One member of the Alfa Art Gallery staff is required to stay on the premises for the event and will take care of sweeping and garbage disposal. Event hosts and planners must clean up all tables, food and any other material that was brought by the event staff.
If you are unable to take care of cleaning up after the event, you can take advantage of our cleaning service for the small fee of $65.
The renter should know that even though regular gallery closing time is 6pm, events are allowed to go on till 10:00pm, that is when all cleanup must be complete and all persons must be out of the building. In the event the renter should need or want to extend these hours, please contact us to make additional arrangements.
For directions and parking info click here.
Alcoholic beverages may be provided and served by at the gallery, only if the event you are hosting is not open to the public.
The following is available for use during rental times only:
108 Church Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901
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